
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Raves & Revolt is, at its core, a game through which we encourage our players to explore political themes and topics. The setting itself is centred on politics in the V5 world, and as such discussion around such topics is inevitably going to occur in play. As organisers, we want to create a space in which players can feel safe to explore such themes.

It is essential that we recognise that as writers, organisers, and storytellers, we write inherently from our own personal biases and lived experiences. We strived to create a world that is both immersive, and comfortable to explore the sensitive topics that appear throughout TTRPG and LRP games. In order to do this in a safe, and sensitive manner, it becomes essential to be clear as to where we stand on socio-political matters.

As Game runners, our stance is fundamentally inclusive, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, pro-LGBTQIA+, feminist, and we stand in solidarity against any forms of authoritarianism or bigotry. Live action role-play is at its core an escapism, and tool through which we can tell stories collectively. If you find yourselves having issues with our stance on politics, this simply isn’t the game for you.

We will not tolerate players who deliberately make others uncomfortable, or consistently violate the boundaries of anyone who attends our events. We operate on a policy by which if someone is brought to our attention, and we deem the situation warrants it, they will be warned against doing it again. If following this, the behaviour continues, they will be removed from our game, and prohibited from attending any further events. The following are not reasonable excuses for doing so, and will not prevent us from taking the above action.

  • Excessive inebriation. (i.e “I was drunk, I’m sorry,”)
  • Ignorance (I.e “I didn’t know it was against the rules,”)
  • Justifying your action as a joke (i.e “I was only having a laugh!”)
  • Justifying your actions as In-Character (i.e “But my character would do this!”)
  • We recognise that people can make mistakes, but in order to ensure the safety of everyone, it is important to have a clear, strong, stance on the matters above. If an individual or situation is brought to our attention, it will be dealt with immediately, in a calm and direct manner. As far as we are concerned, attending the game is a recognition that you are aware of our policy.

    To see our stance on the more problematic and entrenched issues within VtM click here.

    Code of Conduct

    Our conduct is separated from our game rules, and covers how we expect people attending our events to behave.

    As part of attending the event, we expect every player to be familiar with our code of conduct. It is essential that we cultivate a community wherein everyone is on the same page, and can voice any concerns that they may. Below is a list of things that are never appropriate when attending our events:

  • It is not acceptable to insult another player on the basis of their physical appearance and attributes. This includes, but is by no means limited to: height, weight, skin colour, or any other out-of-character aspect of their appearance. Discriminatory behaviour pertaining to such is intolerable.
  • Sexual harassment and Objectification. This includes inappropriate remarks aimed toward another person, in which they may be made to feel uncomfortable or uneasy, as well as unwelcome physical contact.
  • Discriminatory behaviour towards any individual on the basis of any disability they may have. We expect all of our attendants to be mindful of disabilities, visible or otherwise, and will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour concerning such.
  • Transphobia & Homophobia. Prejudice regarding any player's gender expression, identity, sex or sexual orientation will not be tolerated. This includes consistent and deliberate misuse of pronouns, or derogatory comments towards a person’s sexual preferences.
  • Sexism of any fashion will not be tolerated at our games. This includes any and all derogatory comments that could be considered to be misogynistic, misandric, or exclusionary toward any sex.
  • Racism will not be abided by. Espousing any form of racist rhetoric, or comment, pertaining to another person’s cultural identity or ethnicity is intolerable. This extends to generalisations aimed towards minority groups, as well as targeted attacks on individuals.
  • Discrimination based on a player’s out-of-character age. Patronising or condescending a player due to their age is completely unacceptable. Whilst it exists throughout the game regarding the age of a vampire in comparison to another, it should never be grounded on the real-world age of a player at any given time.
  • We expect all players to remain respectful and kind toward members of staff at any venue we attend. This also extends to the organisers and members of the crew present during our games.
  • Any incidents of direct physical assault, or sexual harassment, should immediately be brought up with game organisers at our event (we will make ourselves known to you prior to time in).
  • Excessive inebriation of any kind will not be tolerated at any of our events. If you are deemed to be too intoxicated, you will likely be removed from the game.
  • Classist remarks pertaining to the out-of-character wealth and/or background of any player will not be tolerated. This is fundamentally distinct from commenting on a character’s clan, resources, or background: the ability to do such being an integral part of the setting.
  • Out of character bullying will not be tolerated. This also includes continued social PvP wherein one party has requested that, for whatever reason, it stops.
  • Whilst we recognise that the World of Darkness Vampire the Masquerade material is littered with references to sexual assault, we do not permit discussions pertaining to such at all, at our games. This also applies to references to miscarriages, infanticide, and all forms of non-consenual sexual activity.
  • We expect our players to always be aware that anyone they may be interacting with may be uncomfortable with triggering topics or sensitive issues that are prevalent in the setting. Breaking character to talk about boundaries, social, physical, or otherwise, is not immersion breaking. It is encouraged that if you are ever unsure with whether people are uncomfortable with a topic, or you are unsure of any potential physical boundary, that you drop out of character and discuss this with whoever is involved in the scene.
  • The event is 18+. Anyone found to be underage and attending, will be asked to leave.
  • We encourage players to come to us directly (through our listed means of contact, as found on the website, or in person at events) if they have any concerns regarding the conduct of a person, or group.
    Our Code of conduct also applies to our online Discord, as well as any other platforms we may choose to use in the future.
    We reserve the ability to have anyone removed if they are found to be contravening any of our code of conduct, as well as reserving the potential to ban continued or egregious offences.